Last week Declan Scullion, Year 14 pupil in St Catherine’s College / Colaiste Chaitriona, came second place in ‘Abair’, a Gael Linn public speaking competition. The aim of the prestigious competition, open to all second level schools in Ulster, is to afford public speaking experience in Irish to students.
Declan has taken part in the competition before in 2020, when he was placed 1st in the regional round, but the competition was cancelled due to COVID. The 2021 competition, however, was organised virtually and students submitted a video of their entry online. Declan entered Roinn D of the competition which is for students who are educated through the medium of Irish. His entry was entitled ‘Ní luíonn plaisteach ar aon cladach amháin’ and focused on the global environmental effects of plastic pollution.
Declan, who studies Irish, Maths, Chemistry and Biology is no stranger to public speaking as he is part of the Student Leadership Team in his role as Ambassador for Coláiste Chaitríona. Declan hopes to go on and study medicine at university.

Caption: Declan is pictured here receiving his award (Left: Mr Réamonn Ó Ciaráin from Gael Linn, Declan Scullion, Mr Sean Rooney)