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Francofest Overall Winners 2023!

Pictured L-R: Bliathin Mohan, Meabh O’Neill, Aine McGrady and Niamh Cullen.

Pictured L-R: Bliathin Mohan, Meabh O’Neill, Niamh Cullen and Aine McGrady

Triumphant Year 10 Francophiles Aoife McGrady, Niamh Cullen, Blaithin Mohan and Meabh O Neill showcased not only their French language skills but their entrepreneurial and creative flair as they devised the winning entry for QUB’s simulated French Trade Fair which took place online last week.

FrancoFest 2023 attracted entries from schools across the north and the team representing St Catherine’s College, Armagh was delighted to be declared Overall Winners for the second year in a row at this prestigious competition run by Queen’s University Belfast and NICILT (Northern Ireland Centre for Information on Language Teaching & Research).

The talented team were challenged to design and market a product from a French speaking country and to include a video presentation role-play. They designed upcycled denim products including key-rings , bracelets and hair accessories during their after school French club taking their inspiration from the history of denim fabric. The term "denim" derives from the French "serge de Nimes", meaning "serge (a sturdy fabric) from Nimes" (Denim = De Nîmes). They were also inspired by the concept of upcycling, Armagh’s historical links with the textile industry, the role of women in the textile industry and the environmental effects of fast fashion.

The judges remarked on the fantastic, fluent French of our girls and their very creative and eco conscious trade stand.


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