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Success for all at Saint Catherine’s College

There were scenes of joy, relief and celebration as Saint Catherine’s College pupils received

their hard-earned GCSE results. 100% of the Year 12 cohort achieved at least 5 GCSE passes at A*- C. 30 pupils achieved at least a full 9 A*/A profile. Parents, family and friends, past pupils and staff gathered from 8am on Thursday to open the envelopes that contained highly anticipated GCSE results. Students achieved across a broad range of subject areas in spite of an uncertain educational landscape over the past two years. Principal Mrs Noeleen Tiffney paid tribute to the committed pupils and the supportive staff of the College:

“This achievement reflects the special talents of this wonderful year group.

It is indicative of their resilience and the focus on care, curriculum and

classroom practice by their teachers. I congratulate them and hope that

they enjoy much deserved celebrations with their families.”

Pictured here are some of the relieved and overjoyed GCSE pupils of St. Catherine’s College who received GCSE results.

Pictured here with Principal Mrs Noeleen Tiffney are some of the talented and

extraordinary top achieving GCSE pupils in St. Catherine’s College (L-R): Feena McCreesh

Aimee Mullan Molly Denvir Macha McCone who have at least 9 A*s.

Proudly posing outside St. Catherine’s College with Principal Mrs Noeleen Tiffney are some

of the bumper crop of 30 students who achieved at least an outstanding 9A* /A GCSE grade profile:

(L-R Front Row) Lucy Donnelly, Katie McKernan, Eva Marie Bondi, Aimee Mullan, Bridin

Blaney, Molly Duggan, Saule Sakalauskaite, Jessica Traynor, Feena McCreesh, Brenna

Hegarty, Rachel McGrane, Molly Denvir, Roise McCormack, Viktorija Masiokaite; (L-R Back

Row) Alisha Maguire, Anna Greene, Leah Faherty, Saorlaith O’Hara, Alanna Donnelly, Annie

O’Hanlon, Eve Furphy, Vilte Kiausaite, Megan Duffy, Leonora Latanauskaite.

Key Stage Four Year Head Mrs Sheelagh McConnell is pictured here with a selection of hardworking and deservedly successful GCSE pupils from St. Catherine’s College.

Front Row L-R: Niamh Hennan, Eimear Hagan, Maria Rice, Grace O’Farrell, Caitlin Tierney, Lucia da Costa, Michelle Lavaryeva,Sofia Scullion, Bronagh Gallagher, Iona McLean, Zoe Kennedy.

Back Row L-R: Cliodhna Agnew, Jasmyn Smyth, Ruby Clarke, Maeve MacNeice, Heidi McLeod, Eimear McMahon, Ruby McIntosh, Natia O’Neill, Emer Mae Loughran, Rachel O’Donnell, Saoirse Palmer.

Representing the myriad of success stories from Colaiste Chaitriona are (front row L-R) Éadaoin Ní hEireamhoin, Meabh Ní Loinin, Caitlin McConaghy, Sadhbh Ní Choinn, Cora Rooney, Molly-Rose Byrne, Éle Haughian and (back row L-R) Eimear McDonald, Cillian Ruddy, Seosamh Hoy, Ruairí Duff, Clodagh Dunbar.

A group of friends come together to celebrate a key milestone in their educational journey (L-R) Neda Vaisvilaite, Holly McQuaid and Erin Hughes.

Here is a selection of images capturing the pride, joy and support of the many parents and guardians, families and friends who gathered to celebrate their children’s results on GCSE Results Day at St. Catherine’s College:


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